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Last updated:

Office of Housing Stability Virtual Legal Clinic

Reason for cancellation: Please contact the organizer.
July 11, 2023
  • 5:30pm - 7:00pm
    Repeats weekly on Tuesday, starting from July 11, 2023, until December 19, 2023
  • This is a
    Virtual Event,
  • Contact:
    Office of Housing Stability
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-07-11T17:30:00 - 2023-07-11T19:00:00

At this clinic, you can speak with attorneys, a landlord mediator, and OHS staff. This staff can assist you with applying for the Rental Relief Fund.

Prior to the clinic, you will receive a meeting link via email.

Please note: This clinic is only for residents and property owners in the City of Boston.


July 11, 2023
  • 5:30pm - 7:00pm
    Repeats weekly on Tuesday, starting from July 11, 2023, until December 19, 2023
  • This is a
    Virtual Event,
  • Contact:
    Office of Housing Stability
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-07-11T17:30:00 - 2023-07-11T19:00:00
Last updated:

Slavery in Boston Exhibit Opening at Faneuil Hall

Please join us on Friday, June 16, at 1 p.m. at Faneuil Hall for the opening of a new exhibit detailing Boston's role in the history of enslavement and its legacy.

June 16, 2023
  • 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • Faneuil Hall
    Boston, MA 02109
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-06-16T13:00:00 - 2023-06-16T15:00:00

Join the City of Boston for the opening of a new exhibit that shares the stories of the enslaved and free people in Boston through research and archaeological artifacts found under Faneuil Hall.

Gather outside of Faneuil Hall in front of the Samuel Adams statue at 1 p.m. The exhibit will be free and open to the public for viewing during Faneuil Hall's regular open hours.

A flyer with event details for the opening of the Slavery in Boston exhibit at Faneuil Hall on June 16, 2023 at 1 PM.

June 16, 2023
  • 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • Faneuil Hall
    Boston, MA 02109
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-06-16T13:00:00 - 2023-06-16T15:00:00
Last updated:

Everything Banking (Adults)

June 29, 2023
2023-06-29T16:00:00 - 2023-06-29T17:00:00

Interested in a fee free bank or credit union account? This workshop is for you! Attend to:

  • Discuss their banking needs.
  • Learn about budgeting.
  • Learn the difference between a checking account, savings account, and certificates of deposit. 

This workshop will be held via Zoom.

June 29, 2023
2023-06-29T16:00:00 - 2023-06-29T17:00:00
Last updated:

Everything Banking (Youth)

June 13, 2023
2023-06-13T11:00:00 - 2023-06-13T12:00:00

Are you a teen interested in a fee free bank or credit union account? This workshop is for you! Young people should attend to:

  • Discuss their banking needs.
  • Learn about budgeting.
  • Learn the difference between a checking account, savings account, and certificates of deposit. 

This workshop will be held via Zoom.

June 13, 2023
2023-06-13T11:00:00 - 2023-06-13T12:00:00
Last updated:

Retirement Savings Planning Workshop

This workshop reviews different retirement benefits and accounts, such as IRA retirement accounts, pension funds, social security benefits, and life insurance.

June 15, 2023
2023-06-15T11:00:00 - 2023-06-15T12:00:00
June 15, 2023
2023-06-15T11:00:00 - 2023-06-15T12:00:00
Last updated:

Credit Building for Teens Workshop

Even if you’re not old enough to get a credit card or apply for a loan, it is important for teens to get a head start on developing a strong credit history.

June 12, 2023
2023-06-12T16:30:00 - 2023-06-12T17:30:00

This webinar will help teens understand how credit works.

  • If you have a job, building credit is partly about managing your hard-earned money and learning to pay bills on time, such as a monthly cell phone bill.
  • Open a checking or savings account. Responsibly managing and maintaining these basic accounts will show a financial institution that you can handle money. If the account comes with a debit card, you will get experience using a card for withdrawing cash.
  • If your job permits, set up direct deposit to your account. It is easier to save if the money isn’t sitting in your pocket!
  • The first time you borrow money is likely to be college loans.  Learn what interest is and how much you will end up replaying on top of a student loan.

The workshop lasts about 45 minutes, followed by time for questions.

June 12, 2023
2023-06-12T16:30:00 - 2023-06-12T17:30:00
Last updated:

Homebuyer Readiness Workshop / Taller de Preparación para Compradores de Vivienda

If you are interested in buying a home some day, this is the place to start.

June 8, 2023
2023-06-08T10:00:00 - 2023-06-08T11:00:00

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How a mortgage works and how to get one
  • How a credit score affects your ability to get a loan
  • What the hidden costs are to buying a home
  • How much do you need to save for a down payment
  • Where you can get free resources to make the process easier

Si está interesado en comprar una casa algún día, este es el lugar para comenzar. En este taller, aprenderás:

  • Cómo funciona una hipoteca y cómo obtener una
  • Cómo un puntaje de crédito afecta su capacidad para obtener un préstamo
  • Cuál es el costo inicial de comprar una casa
  • Cuánto necesita ahorrar para un pago inicial
  • Donde puede obtener recursos gratuitos para facilitar el proceso
June 8, 2023
2023-06-08T10:00:00 - 2023-06-08T11:00:00
Last updated:

Resume and Cover Letter Strategies Workshop

Learn the basics of how to write a resume and cover letter to get the job you want.

June 7, 2023
2023-06-07T10:00:00 - 2023-06-07T11:00:00

This reviews steps from choosing a format to what information to include. Learn what employers are looking for so you can make the best impression.

June 7, 2023
2023-06-07T10:00:00 - 2023-06-07T11:00:00
Last updated:

Budgeting Basics

A budget is the key to freedom from financial stress.

June 5, 2023
2023-06-05T14:00:00 - 2023-06-05T15:00:00

Once you know how to track your money, you never need to fall behind again. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Track your income and spending
  • Prioritize your needs
  • Eliminate wastes of money
June 5, 2023
2023-06-05T14:00:00 - 2023-06-05T15:00:00
Last updated:

Inspectional Services Patio Pup Webinar

Learn how to transform outdoor dining patios and beer gardens into dog-friendly environments.

May 15, 2023
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Virtual Event
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Inspectional Services
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-05-15T18:00:00 - 2023-05-15T19:30:00

Please join Inspectional Services Assistant Commissioner Dan Prendergast and Assistant Director Tom McAdams as we discuss the requirements and regulations related to creating dog-friendly spaces at outdoor dining patios and beer gardens.

Register for the event

Patio Pup Webinar Graphic

May 15, 2023
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Virtual Event
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Inspectional Services
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2023-05-15T18:00:00 - 2023-05-15T19:30:00
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