Boston Groundwater Trust meeting
The Boston Groundwater Trust Trustees meeting will be held on Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 3 p.m.
Attention: This meeting will only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in the meeting by going to:
- Meeting ID: 860 3804 9524
- Passcode: 510702
- Or call +1-646-876-9923
Discussion Topics
- Adoption of minutes from March 18th meeting: 05 VOTE REQUIRED
- Financial Report and Investment Update:10
- FY22 Budget Review: 15 VOTE REQUIRED
- Authorization to Award Well Installation Contract:15 VOTE REQUIRED
- EXECUTIVE SESSION- Annual Personnel Review Process: 10
- Draft Ordinance for Legal Representation Update:10
- GCOD Amendments Update:10
- Executive Director’s Report: 10
- Other Business: 10